Tired, Mental Status Change

Also Consider: Behavioral Disturbance, Dehydration, Delirium, Fever, Mood Change, Seizures, Weakness (General)

Please choose the most appropriate Situation:

Behavioral Disturbance

  • Verbal Aggression: yelling, cursing, threatening statements
  • Physical Aggression: hitting, kicking, spitting, biting, scratching
  • Socially inappropriate: disrobing, wandering, intrusive, elopement attempts, voiding in inappropriate places, smearing stool, stealing, repetition
  • Refusal of care or assistance, uncooperative, falls


  • Sudden change in level of consciousness: alert, lethargic, stuporous, comatose
  • Sudden change in cognition: orientation, memory, confusion, disorganization
  • Decreased attention, "in his own world"
  • New altered sleep/wake cycle
  • New or worsened hallucinations or delusions
  • New or worsened sundowning, restlessness
  • The patient may otherwise appear ill

Mood Change

  • Change in emotions, feelings
  • Expressions of depression, guilt, sadness, crying
  • Loss of interest
  • Expressions of anxiety, nervousness, fear, panic, worry